
2.关于what will you do after graduation from college,do youhe any plans?的对话

3.challenge是什么意思及反义词 翻译challenge的意思






I make many friends in school. But I he only one best friend. Her name is Susan. She is my classmate, too. Susan is a beautiful and lovely girl. She is taller than me. We often stay together. People say we like sisters.?

Actually, I regard her as my sister. She works very hard on her study. We often study together and help each other. Her forite subject is math. She thinks math is interesting and challengeable. She is good at math and our math teacher likes her very much.

Besides, she is popular in my class, because she is outgoing and attractive.











挑战; 挑战书; 邀请比赛; 要求决斗

要求, 需要; 鞭策

盘问; 口令; 质问, 驳斥


律(对某陪审员)要求回避, 表示反对, 拒绝



challenge cup [flag]


accept [take] a challenge


face the challenge

遇到问题, 面向挑战

issue the challenge


meet the challenge

满足要求; 完成任务

offer the challenge

提出任务; 展现前景 A sentry ge the challenge, “

Who goes there?”

哨兵喝问: “什么人?”

The challenge today is not merely to improve the material standards of living.






要求, 引起


对...表示异议, 非难, 怀疑

律对(陪审员等)表示反对, 要求回避


challenge sb. to a duel


challengesb.to fight


challenge attention


challengethe wisdom of a procedure


challengesb.'s right to vote






表示异议, 反对






挑战者, 反对者, 提出异议者

盘问(口令)者, 质问者




beyond challenge

无与伦比, 无可非议

fling down a challenge

(戏剧性地)提出挑战; 应付某种复杂的局面

peremptory challenge


rise to the challenge

接受挑战, 迎战; 迎着困难

take a challenge lying down

对挑战俯首屈服, 被困难吓倒

challenge to the array

律对陪审团的组成表示反对或提出异议, 要求全体陪审员回避或更换

challenge to the poll(s)


environmental challenge

环境要求; 环境挑战

foreign capital challenge


challenge for the ball


关于what will you do after graduation from college,do youhe any plans?的对话

Renhe Middle School is my mother school with 2 teaching buildings and 2 playground .

There are 21 male students and 20 famale students in our big classroom. All my subjects consist of Maths ,Chinese,English,History ,Bioglophy,Politics and Chemistry and so on.I love Maths best ,for it is so funny and challengeable.Besides ,I 'd like to play basketball and .What's more ,my hobby is reading Kang fu Fiction.

challenge是什么意思及反义词 翻译challenge的意思

A(teacher):Hey, you know time flies, we he been sophormore already, do you guys he any plans about future or what do you wanna do after graduation?

B:Yeah, point taken, i 've already 20, but so far i am still comfused about that, and you -C?

C:Actually i he got a clear plan for my dream, i want to be a translator, i think the job is amazing and challengeable, i like it absolutely.

D:Oops, that sounds nice, how do you make it come true?

C:Oki, because the job requires comprehensive linguistic ability, i need to study hard as possible as i can to lay solid foundation for it. Secondly, i need to collect translation skills as well.

A: I've also heard that it is very important for a translator to know multiple domain knowledge, it is not easy to be a translator, hah?

B: Yeah, i agree with you, in addition, one of my sisters also want to engage in this job, she once grumbled at me that how many exams for translation she needed to prepare. But C, you are capable i feel, so just go for it.

D: Yeah, you are really capable, i believe you can do that^^

C:Thank you guys for your information, i will do my best in order to live up to your expectations. And -D, do you he any plans about your dream?

D: You know i he great interest in novels, so to be a writer is my dream.

A: Wow, pretty good, How much he you done for your goal?

D:I've read many kinds of novels already, I he been collecting some beaitiful expressions, I even published my original novels to Internet. And you know what is my next step?

B: wow, I don't know you he published novels, so great you are.

A: participating in competion for outstanding novels?

D:Exactly, in a word, i will do my best to attain my goal.

B:All of you he got plans, except me......i am a loser

A:Hey, come on, who are you? You are **(name), you are not sutable for complainning, just get ones for yourself is ok. We three he faith in you, right?

CD: Absolutely...go goBBB,

it is over......


英音 ['t?l?nd?]?;,美音 ['t?l?nd?]?;, 及物动词:





5.要求(人或事物)发挥最大的作用(或力量);考验(人或事物)的能力; *** ,激发,激励




















9.医激发(指诸如抗原以激发免疫应答),形容词 challengeable,时态 challenged,challenging,challenges,issue a challenge to,a demanding or stimulating situation,ask for identification,a formal objection to the selection of a particular person as a juror,a call to engage in a contest or fight,questioning a statement and demanding an explanation,take exception to,raise a formal objection in a court of law,a demand by a sentry for a password or identification,challenge attention 引起注意 ,challenge feeder 加蓝齐型转盘给矿机 ,rose to the challenge vbl.接受挑战 ,environmental challenge 环境要求环境挑战 ,challenge switch 振铃电键,呼叫开关 ,meet the challenge 满足要求 ,challenge of juror 法 陪审员之回避 ,challenge witness 法 回避证人 ,beyond challenge 无与伦比;无可厚非 ,verification by challenge 通过质疑进行覈查 ,challenge v.[T]1.向...挑战(要求格斗、竞赛、辩论等)2.军向...查问口令;向...查问身份(姓名、来意等)3.要求得到有关...的证据;对...怀疑,对...质疑;反对,公然反抗


challenge 英 [?t?l?nd?] 美 [?t?l?nd?]?



第三人称单数: challenges 复数: challenges 现在分词: challenging 过去式: challenged 过去分词: challenged




accept a challenge 应战;face an challenge 面临着挑战;

give a challenge 挑战;meet the challenge 对付挑战;

pose challenges 提出挑战;refuse a challenge 拒绝挑战。



一、n. (名词)

1challenge用作名词的基本意思是“挑战,邀请比赛”。引申可指“具有挑战性的事物”“艰巨的任务”; 也可指对某事的正确性或合法性的“质疑”; 还可指哨兵发出的“止步命令,喝停盘问”。



二、v. (动词)

1、challenge用作动词的基本意思是“挑战”,指通过决斗或其他较量方式解决争端。引申指对某事的正确性、合法性提出“质疑”; 也可指“考验某人的能力”“激发某人做某事”; 还可指哨兵“喝令站住”,盘问诸如身份、姓名、意图等; 亦指“要求”“需要”。



4、要表示“向某人挑战,和某人比试”时,用challenge?sb to sth,这里介词to不改为with。


How to study English well is a very complicated question, especially for students.

In china, as students we he not enough opportunities to communicate with native speaker. Usually we study English in classes from high school, obviously it is not enough. But nowadays it is a impossible work to change this situation, so how to study English well in this case? I he some ideas though I am not a good student.

Firstly we should try our best to grasp a great amount of new words ,which is the most important thing. Just like beginning our own language, we should he the words tool to build up the sentences and articles. There are many roaches to recite new words, while my advice is to find an excellent dictionary: English-English dictionary. From it you will learn and understand how to use these words well according to English habits.

Secondly today we he many ways to get multi-media dates from TV show, movies, internet and radio. All of them will help us just our pronunciation and accent and make us speak more like a native speakers. Because these dates are the latest, we can learn and touch the most popular and local English.

Last but not least class is still a important mean for us to study English. We he professional teachers to teach us not only how to speak, but also how to write, read and listen. These skills are so essential for us.



 Dear Feifei,

 This is the first letter I write to you in English, I think it will he numerous benefits for us to enhance our English level with writing some English letters.

 Today is Valentine?s Day, although we are separated by oceans, if we can face our life with optimism attitude, it also will be a wonderful day for us.

 It is almost five days since I he arrived Southampton, time flies fast relatively, but I feel there is not any growth of my English abilities. My pre-sessional course will start on tomorrow, I hope the atmosphere of the classroom promote me to gain some useful things. As the time past by, life will be more intense and tired, I want to adapt this unfamiliar environment and surroundings quickly.

 You should not log on QQ for a long time every day, I would use Fetion to inform you if I wanna chat with you, from now on I will rarely bother you in Chinese sleeping time, I may contact in the red time frame of the time schedule I he offered you as possible as I can. You must se the precious energy to concentrate on your studies and make a good review to prepare the entrance exams for postgraduate university!

 It is time for sleeping, tomorrow will be a challengeable day, I miss you so much and he thousand things to say to you, I eager for your reply.





 To my baby girl memo:

 Set my heart

 with your love

 and I can stay where you are If you need me, I am here for you. I am on your side.

 That's the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me or said to me

 To me, you are irreplaceable, because you are one of a kind.

 I love everything about you, especially the way you made me feel how special I am.

 You are the one I he been looking for.

 If it is truth that love can ever lose, I won?t let that come until the end of my life. Don?t stop to look into my eyes;Just go on with me.My eyes will always fall on you.

 If I were the autumn cloud, not the summer rain,I could feel my fullness in the field of your heartonly when golden season comes.Set my heart with your loveand I can stay where you are.My day with you is done,and I am like a riverreflected with the moonlight-the image of every piece of you.I he to keep silentduring the day with the noise,so that I can hear you clearly.

 From love you caleb




 My dear,

 thank you for never give me up for so long time. You always support me and respect me. I never think of getting your love, because I think that is to far from me. But I can't stop my love to you. So I always miss you at anytime.

 Although everytime we meet only for a short time and we are away from each other, you are the most beautiful memory of my lifetime. Thank you! I know now I he nothing and can't give you more. I only he a ture heart for you, this is my all. If one day I get more, I'll give them all to you, because I love you!

 You always ask me the reason why I love you. I didn't know before.But the often separation makes me understand that the reason of loving you can be 100. But I can only tell you 40 of them.

 Because I'll tell you one in the every later year, as long as my life can continue to that time. If you think it's too little, I'll wait for you until you come to my next lifetime and go on telling you why I always love you so!



用英文给爱人写信相关 文章 :

1. 给爱人的一封信英文

2. 至给爱人的一封信

3. 致给爱人一封信

4. 一封给爱人的信

5. 未来老公的一封信