
2.翻译 在线等 多谢






arbitration_arbitration agreement

binding arbitration



1. 约束仲裁



I sued drexel university in a civil lawsuit and the case has now gone into private, bindingarbitration.



English-speaking countries boast a strong tradition ofsettling disputes ( commercial orpersonal) by legally binding arbitration.






翻译 在线等 多谢

Vapdity of arbitration agreement in the

谨慎选择 仲裁地点 的重要性

The arbitration shall take place in china

仲裁地点 在中国。

The decision of the arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties

仲裁地点 在被告方所在国内,或者在双方同意的第三国。

I don ' t know the customary practice in sino - france trade regarding the place for arbitration

希:我不太了解中法贸易中长期惯用的 仲裁地点 的情况。

But i am wondering if arbitration is to take place in china , what procedural rules will ly

但我想知道如果 仲裁地点 在中国,那将适用什么程序规则?

As far as the place for arbitration is concerned , the customary practice is to hold arbitration in the country of defendant

就 仲裁地点 而言,按惯例是在被告的城市。

Hong kong is a prime venue for mercial dispute resolution with its more mature and well - developed legal system

香港具备成熟完善的法律制度,因此成为热门的商业 仲裁地点 。

Compared to other venues for arbitration in asia , hong kong probably handles the largest number of cases in which neither party is local

与亚洲其他 仲裁地点 相比,香港应是处理最多当事方均非本地公司的仲裁案件的地方。

Compared to other venues for arbitration in asia , hong kong probably handles the largest number of cases in which neither party is local

与亚洲其他 仲裁地点 相比,香港应是处理最多当事方均非本地公司的仲裁案件的地方。

We he to turn to international arbitration institution in case of dispute that negotiation cannot resolve . where would you pke to arbitrate

万一发生争议,协商解决不了的话,那就只好请国际仲裁机构进行仲裁。你希望 仲裁地点 在哪里?

Well , when arbitration is to take place in france , i suppose we can submit it to a standing french arbitration mission . is it all right with you

那么如果 仲裁地点 在法国,我想我们就可以交付法国常设仲裁委员会进行仲裁了,您看是这样吗?

The arbitration shall be held in beijing and conducted in accordance with the rules of arbitration of the china international economic and trade arbitration mission

仲裁地点 为北京,并且按照“中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会”的法规进行仲裁。

We usually take habitual way in defendant ' s country . namely , if our party go for arbitration , the place of arbitration will be in american , otherwise it ' ll be in china

我们通常用惯用的做法:在被告所在国。就是说,如果我方提出仲裁, 仲裁地点 就在美国。相反,如果贵方提出提交仲裁,仲裁地点就在中国。

In case no settlement is reached , the dispute shall be submitted to china international economic and trade arbitration mission ( cietac ) , for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of lying for arbitration . the place of arbitration is in shenzhen , china

若协商不成,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按照申请时该会当时施行的仲裁规则进行仲裁, 仲裁地点 在中国深圳。


双方同意利用其尽力解决一切争端它们之间的尊重的解释或适用方面的任何条款通过友好谈判。如果争端解决不了的这种方式,以满足任何一方的后90天内通知之日起此类纠纷,由一方应付给另一方,争议或差异所引起的或与本合同的,应提交和仲裁决定在中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会( “仲裁委员会” )根据其国内仲裁规则,作为生效的日期在本合同。仲裁地点应在中国上海,在仲裁委员会。应只有一个仲裁员被任命由仲裁委员会。裁决应被接纳为最终和具有约束力的双方。仲裁费应由败诉一方除非另有奖励。仲裁应以英语进行



12.1 for all of the contract arising as a result of this. Or contract-related disputes, the contract should the two sides through friendly consultations, resolved, if consensus can not be resolved, the dispute should be referred to arbitration.

12.2 in the arbitration by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee in accordance with its current effective arbitration rules.

12.3 arbitration costs borne by the losing party

12.4 arbitral award is final ruling, binding on both parties.

12.5 During the arbitration, with the exception of the arbitration process is part of the arbitration, other parts of the contract to continue.

13. The entry into force of contracts and other

13.1 of the contract by corporate buyers and sellers agent signing of the contract and stamping units immediately after the entry into force of the chapter.

13.2 For the contract to modify or supplement, it is important to corporate buyers and sellers by the agent to sign a written contract documents and affix unit chapter formally come into effect after this contract and become an integral part of the contract and the body has the same legal effect.

13.4 validity of the contract: the contract to buy. To sell the two sides to settle the purchase price until the contract.

13.5-one of the original contract were split, buyers and sellers in the market were armed.


Name (Chapter):

Unit Address:

Legal Representative:






Account number:

Zip Code:


强制仲裁(COMPULSORY ARBITRATION):某一机构或某个特定机构对某一争端所做的法定裁决,裁决的结果必须为只能为争议双方所接受。


终局性要约选择(FINAL OFFER SELECTION):中立方从争议双方当事人所提的多种方案中做出选择,而中立方不能提出折中的解决方案。

申诉或权利仲裁(GRIEVANCE OR RIGHTS ARBITRATION):一种争端解决程序,在这种程序中,双方都要接受中立方按照劳动协议的规定阐明争议双方的权利和义务。

申诉程序(GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE):劳动合约中规定的一个规则程序。在该程序中,雇主和工会确定合约违约事项;仲裁是最后的选择。

利益或合约仲裁(INTEREST OR CONTRACT ARBITRATION):解决包含集体协议相关事务或协议以外事务的一种争端解决程序。

公正理由(JUST CAUSE):是一种诉讼过程。通过该过程,个人的正当权利可通过商业判决的申诉程序而得到保护。

协商或调节(MEDIATION OR CONCILIATION):中立方用于劝说或促使争议双方达成协议但无权作出对双方有约束力的裁决的程序。


服从协议(SUBMISSION REEMENT):争议双方不能达成一致的事项,中立方必须对此作出决定。



Article 11. Governing Law

第11款 管辖法律

The validity, formation, and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China


Article 12. Arbitration

第12款 仲裁

All disputes, controversies, or differences which may arise between the parties out of or in relation to or in connection with the Agreement or for the breach thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in Shanghai, China in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Chinese Commercial Arbitration Board. The award rendered by arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon both parties concerned.


Article 13. Non-Waiver

第13款 不弃权

No claim or right of either party under this Agreement shall be deemed to be waived or renounced in whole or in part unless the waiver or renunciation of such claim or right is acknowledged and confirmed in writing by such party.


Article 14. Severability

If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any licable law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected and in such case the parties hereto oblige themselves to reach the intended purpose of the invalid provision by a new, valid and legal stipulation.

第14款 协议的可分割性


Article 15. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, all prior representations hing been merged herein, and may not be modified except by a writing signed by a duly authorized representatives of both parties.

第15款 完整的协议

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties through their authorized representatives he executed the Agreement as of the date first above written.





Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned, transferred or otherwise conveyed by a party in whole or in part without the express prior written consent of the other party.

Amendments. No amendment, addition, deletion or other modification to this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by each party.

Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, without regard to the principles of conflict of laws.

Arbitration. Any claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof (a “Claim”), shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration at the London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”) in accordance with LCIA Rules.





The place of arbitration shall be London, United Kingdom. Any party may initiate the arbitration of a dispute by providing written notice to the other party (“Notice of Arbitration”). The arbitration shall be heard and determined by a panel of three (3) arbitrators to be chosen as follows: one by the party initiating the arbitration and specified in the party’s Notice of Arbitration; one by the party responding (“Responding Party”) to the arbitration within five (5) business days of receipt of Notice of Arbitration; and one by the two (2) arbitrators as selected in the above procedure within five (5) business days of the Responding Party’s response to the Notice of Arbitration. The third arbitrator so selected shall act as President of the Tribunal. Each such arbitrator must be a lawyer hing experience and familiarity with information technology disputes. The language of the arbitration shall be English. The arbitrators will make any award they see fit as to the costs of the arbitration and the party to bear such costs. The arbitration award will be final and binding on the parties hereto.


Any proceedings pursuant to this provision are confidential and will be treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of the licable rules of evidence. Either party may, without waiving any remedy under this Agreement, seek from any court of competent jurisdiction any interim or provisional relief that such party deems necessary to protect its Confidential Information or proprietary rights pending the establishment of the arbitral panel or the arbitral panel’s determination of the merits of the Claim.



Ability to pay principle: The idea that people should pay taxes in relation to their ability to pay such taxes .


Absolute advantage: The absolute difierence in productivity between countries.


Accelerationist theory: Theory that states that the govemment can maintain unemployment below the natural rate only at the cost of ever-increasing rates of inflation.


Acreage allotment: a farm program that sets a limit on the total number of acres that can be placed in production


Administered prices: a term coined by gardiner means to describe price inflexibility in concentrated industries. Means labeled prices that were relatively inflexible, or which changed only infrequently, as administered prices.


Advances: direct loans from the fed to its members.


AFL-CLO: the merged American Federation of labor and congress of industrial organizations .The merger took place in 1955 and ge labor a more unified political stance.


Agency for intemational development (AID): The U.S. agency that is part of the state department and which is in charge of U.S. aid to foreign countries.


Agricultural support program: The political response to pressure to increase farm incomes. Most programs in agricultural support are aimed at decreasing supply or increasing demand for raw agricultural production.


Allocation function: The govemment`s effect on the mix of goods and services that is produced.


Allocative efficiency: when price is equal to marginal cost, firms expand production to the exact level that consumers desire, as measured by the market price.


American Federation of Labor (AFL): The first business union, founded by Samuel Gompers in 1886. The AFL was an exclusive union organized for skilled workers.


American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME): One of the few unions that grew in the 10s, a union of public employees.


Arbitration: A situation where a third party hears the arguments of both sides in a labor dispute and renders a decision. In binging arbitration, the sides must abide by the decision.


Arc elasticity: Average elasticity over the space between two points.


ATS accounts: Automatic transfer system accounts. Accounts that allow an individual to electronically transfer funds from one account to another or to pay bills automatically.


Average fixed cost: Total fixed cost divided by output. Average fixed cost declines as production is increased.


Average physical product: The total physical product(output)divided by the number of units of a factor used.
